Saturday, April 5, 2008


I am a youth travelling across a magickal land. My father has sent me to seek a wizard. I have heard rumours that this wizard is evil, and I consider not going to find him, I consider not following my destiny.

When I arrive at his abode, I discover it is an underground hovel, cluttered with books and artefacts and objects, most of which are foreign to me and I know nothing about. I explore for a moment, and then I go to bed or rather I pretend to go to sleep, for my intuition tells me the wizard is soon to return.

When he does, I am afraid. The rumours spring to life in my head and I wish I had run away. But then I realize that beneath his gruff exterior, the wizard is warm and wise, a Santa Clause and the White Wizard from Lord of the Rings hybrid.

I rise from the cot I was laying on, and he begins to explain to me some of the strange, unfamiliar objects cluttering his home. I am now his apprentice, and afterwards he sends me out to work. And so I work and learn for years to come.