Friday, March 28, 2008

Two Worlds

There are two worlds. They are paralleled, like Narnia and Earth or Earth and the world of Alchemy. They both have similarities, but differences as well, magickal ones. In the first world, the land is like a map. This is how it appears. You are walking on a map of land rather than land itself. There is a place on the map, small compared to the body of land on which it resides and which is surrounded by water. It is one large body of land surrounded by water on a map which you travel across.

As winter comes and animals migrate south for warmth on Earth, fire comes and with it the inhabitants of that small place on the map, migrate to the top of the large body of land to a place which is cooler. The place which they have left is also cool, but not for long, for when the fire comes, all is burnt to a crisp, charred and scarred until the cool returns. Not everyone makes it to the other side where the cool now resides. The rest of the land but for these two places and the shift in the elements therein is unknown. I believe it is the land of elementals.

The inhabitants find their way to Earth, through a doorway of some kind. But there are always differences, for instead of muggles travelling to a land of magick, elementals were travelling to the land of the physical plane. When they come here they are in the same form - humanoid - and though in the dream we appear human, I believe they saw us differently and were mildly surprised and curious about this plane, though they wanted to return to their own realm.

On Earth they show a few people their true magick, and I am unsure whether I was one of them and watching myself, or if I was just observing it happen with my mind’s eye. However, they turned to me and acknowledged me while showing others, thus including me, even though I could not see myself. They told us of where they were from, and we tried to get them back home, because we wanted to go with them, for we were earthen mages.

Part 2: The next day we went to a parade. It was like a gypsy carnival of fools, but the actors were locals, people from my past, people I didn’t know, people I know now, people that felt very familiar to me. Perhaps I will know them in the future. It was like in Primary School, or Kadooment Day, different houses or classes or bands, mostly yellow and blue. We were in blue, because our elemental brethren were those of water. I believe the yellow band was meant to represent air, for they were on a hill, with us there below them, closer to the earth. Everything was alright, good truly. There were decadent foods and deserts on sale. I bought a slice of cake and a drink for $180. Then there was a concert.

This is the transition. One girl wanted help to make a certain recipe that I know. Her friend wanted to be the one to “tell her”, thought her friend didn’t know the recipe, but really just wanted to sing a duet with her on stage.

They did their duet, but it soon got told to the Yellow Band, that someone in the Blue band [me] had a problem with the duet, because the girl still didn’t know the recipe she wanted. Dissent breaks out. The Yellow Band descend upon us, and the Blue Band scatters.

We remain on the sidelines of the road until they go back up the hill, and I believe the sidelines maybe some kind of protective barrier. Then a pop corn and ice cream machine appears in the midst of us. It is in the road from where we scattered. The smell of the popcorn is sexy, all fresh and buttery goodness.

The owner of the cart/machine is dressed as a bee. There is the essence of familiarity to her. We all bore to the popcorn cart and buy popcorn and ice cream and the Yellow Band descend on us once more. It was a trap. Everyone scatters again. The elementals were hurtled back to their world through a portal, then back to ours again in a matter of seconds. It is revealed that the bee girl is from their world, and has an accomplice who is also dressed as a bee.

Through the portal which had appeared in the air, we can see their map world, and the fire consuming the place where they dwelt that was once cool on the body of land, and where their families migrated to the top of that large body. The rest of the country is still unknown, but looks like it was once burnt as well. We think the burning is cyclical. The fire follows the migration of the elementals.

The portal remains open. A few of us, the few that knew of the magickal world of the elementals, go through the portal to their country.